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CLEVELAND, OH – An angry mob of medical students tore down a statue of Andrew Wakefield in front of the Cleveland Clinic Saturday.  This anti-vax champion was best known for a falsified study linking the MMR vaccine to autism, and later a movie claiming the same.  Cleveland Clinic has been a vocal critic of vaccines despite all of the evidence.

As the mighty statue was brought down chants of “Your lies can no longer kill our children!” and “Down with pseudoscience!” even broke out in song: “You take the good, you take the bad, the vax of life, the vax of life!”

An anonymous medical student told reporters, “We were tired of the lies of the anti-vax movement and the rise of measles in America!”

The statue was ripped from its base, hit with stethoscopes and tuning forks for about an hour, then dragged through town from a 2001 Honda Accord with a missing passenger side mirror, most likely a medical student’s car.

Critics upset with this measure aren’t necessarily anti-vax, but worry that this anti-vax movement, which is killing children, is part of our history.

  • 2.8K
Lord Lockwell
Lord Vincent Lockwell, a medival surgeon, started Gomerblog in 1388. He went for a walk in the alps to get away from the bubonic plague in what is now considered southren Germany when a tragic acident occured. The avalanche did not kill him but froze him for over 500 years. He was thawed and now continues to report on medical news.