ATLANTA, GA – Gomerblog is on scene to report that Dr. Andrea Pascal of Internal Medicine has just curbsided Dr. Andy Rapp of Infectious Diseases at curbside, a partially-painted yellow one. The encounter is taking place near Grady Memorial Hospital at the intersection of Jesse Hill Jr. Dr. SE and Armstrong St. SE.

“Hey Andy, what are you doing standing here by the curbside?” asked Pascal, curious about what shenanigans this infectious diseases doctor might be up to.
“Not much, Andrea,” replied Rapp. “Just waiting to be curbsided.”
“Why’s that?”
“Why not?” Rapp answered back. “In all my years practicing there’s no better place for a curbside than right here.” He uses the back of his left heel to tap onto the curb. “Trust me.”
“That makes sense,” answered Pascal, nodding in agreement. She asked him a quick question about antibiotic dosing, which he was happy to answer. “Now let me ask,” Pascal continued, “I thought infectious diseases doctors don’t like being curbsided. I thought they preferred getting consulted, the formality of it, no?”
“You’re right, we usually prefer consults,” Rapp explained. “But it’s so beautiful outside today.” It was a beautiful day. “I really wanted to hop outside. And honestly, it’s hard to be so formal outside. That’s why I’m standing here so informally. By the curbside. Curbsides are so informal.”
Just then Dr. Felicia Myers of Gastroenterology came outside and walked up to the two. “Hey, I couldn’t help but notice where you guys were standing,” said Myers. “Mind if I run something by you?”
“Why sure!” Pascal answered casually.
After asking a few quick questions, Myers was satisfied and walked back into the hospital to call some consults. “Thanks for the quick input, I really appreciate it!”
Moments later Dr. Allen Thompson of General Surgery came outside and walked up to the two. “Hello, I noticed you guys were here,” Thompson started, “so do you mind if I…”
“Curbside us? Why sure!” Rapp and Pascal answered unison.
Thompson started describing a very complicated patient of his, and wasn’t sure to do. He was hoping his friends in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases would help. “So,” said Thompson, “what do you think?”
Rapp looked at Pascal, who nodded back in agreement. “I don’t think it’s appropriate to curbside us at this curbside. Why don’t we take a walk back into the hospital and there you can formally consult us.”