NEW YORK, NY – “It dawned on me as I had my legs apart and Da Vinci loomed over me with his intimidating red eye and multidirectional arms that I felt really vulnerable.” 33-year-old pregnant mother-to-be, Alissa Jones, shared this picture she took with Gomerblog in the hopes of dissuading other pregnant mothers from making the same very mistake she has just done. “Now tell me: wouldn’t you feel a little bit uneasy in my position?” It is unclear why Da Vinci chose to have her give birth in the middle of a busy hospital corridor. Thankfully for Jones, despite the 40 weeks’ gestation, she was still quicker and more nimble than Da Vinci ever could or will be, and escaped to the care of an experienced, human obstetrician. As for the multitudes who have seen the picture, the feeling is best encapsulated by passerby and ophthalmologist Dr. Glaucomflecken: “Good God, is this what having sex with Da Vinci looks like?”