WASHINGTON, DC – Numerous cases of EpiPen Price Gouging Shock (EPGS) are sweeping the nation after EpiPen prices continue to be hiked up by pharmaceutical company Mylan.  Prices for this life saving delivery device have skyrocketed 400% in the past few years to over $600 an pack.  With having to buy 2 pens at a time in case of delivery failure, families are having to fork over $600 to have this medication available when the actual epinephrine in the EpiPen costs less than $5 to produce.  Some families need 2 packs available at a time running $1200.

epipen price increase“We have seen 20 cases of EPGS already this week,” stated Emergency Medicine Physician Dr. Tracy Cramers.  “Typically the patients or parents are developing shortness of breath, wheezing, and hypotension at the pharmacy line when they are told the new price of an EpiPen. This needs to stop!”

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch with her 18-million-dollar salary last year, couldn’t be happier:

“Listen folks, the Epipen works and saves lives.  Period.  That is why it is $600 now.  Look at all the patients going into EpiPen Price Gouging Shock now.  We need Epipens more than ever now with all of these new anaphylactic shock cases.  In fact, we now need EpiPens installed at every street corner, house, school, store, and restaurant.  We plan to raise the price to $800 next month because of the increased demand for products.  This is how supply and demand models work in a capitalistic society, agree?  You don’t have to buy an EpiPen for your kid if you don’t think it is worth the money.”

**NOT SATIRE PART**  Consider signing the EpiPen Stop Price Gouging Petition for Congress HERE**