
Lost Your Car in the Hospital Garage? Order a Consult

If it has happened once, it has happened a million times: you forgot where you parked.  It is the end of the day and all you want to do is go home but where...
awareness anesthesia

New Monitor Helps Anesthesiologists and CRNAs Wake Up During Surgery

PHOENIX, AZ - Maintaining vigilance is vital for an Anesthesiologist or CRNA taking care of patients undergoing surgery.  However, vigilance is greatly tested every day in the operating room when da Vinci robots are...
brain stem biopsy

Physical Exam Tips: The Nervous System

The physical exam of the brain and nervous system can be broken down into two parts: the lumbar puncture and everything else. Lumbar Puncture The lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap (11) is extremely helpful for...
medical pager

Pages We Love to Get at Any Point During the Day

These are probably the best pages any health care professional can ask for! "We're building forts out of drapes, wanna join?! - Anesthesia, OR 4" "Go home, I'm gonna write ur notes today - Hospital Administrator" "Patient...
couple kissing

Worst Pick-Up Lines by Medical Subspecialty

GomerBlog did some research on a hot and steamy topic: What are the worst pick-up lines by subspecialty?  Here goes! Allergy “I like it when you can’t breathe.” Anesthesiology “I’d love to rescue your airway.” Bariatric Surgery “Come on, I...

Presidential Election Medical Memes


ZDoggMD: ‘Can’t Feel My Face’

ZDoggMD brings it to da club in his new hit “Can't Feel My Face.” This controversial education hit will save lives. Stroke is no laughing manner, so know the signs so you can recognize early and save...
program director drinking

After Ridiculous Uber Incident, More Trouble for the Miami Neurology Program

MIAMI, FL - More troubling news is surfacing from the Miami neurology program that is still reeling from the now infamous video of one of their resident’s drunken altercation with an Ubër driver last...

Vascular Neurologist Discovers New Type of Aphasia in Vice-Presidential Hopeful

Vascular neurologist and doomsday preparation enthusiast, Dr. E. S. Kemia, was watching Fox News, as he does every evening, when they began live-televising a support rally for presidential hopeful Donald Trump.  Former vice presidential...
fast train

Tips: How to Perform a Spinal Tap on a Moving Train

I have to admit: spinal taps (lumbar punctures) are not one of my favorite procedures to perform.  I’m fairly certain our patients don’t enjoy them either.  Now imagine performing the procedure on a high-speed...