Sunday, May 19, 2024
star wars ICD-10 codes

ICD-10 Primer, Lesson 3: Star Wars Codes

Another wonderful strength of the new ICD-10 coding system is not only the increased number of codes dealing with the rare but possible real-life scenarios (V98.2XXA for accident to, on, or involving ice yacht,...
nursing call light

Tips for Patients: How to Use a Call Light

Nurses are incredibly busy.  And by busy we mean doing endless charting.  So much so that they're contractually not allowed to eat or urinate.  It's no wonder that call lights were invented; to help...
angry patient

Tips: How to Defuse the Angry Patient (or at the Very Least, Make Things...

Handling the angry patient (or family member) is a very delicate situation, so we should all be grateful that we were never educated on this during medical or nursing school.  At times, dealing with...
fast train

Tips: How to Perform a Spinal Tap on a Moving Train

I have to admit: spinal taps (lumbar punctures) are not one of my favorite procedures to perform.  I’m fairly certain our patients don’t enjoy them either.  Now imagine performing the procedure on a high-speed...
incentive spirometer incentivized spirometer

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Incentive Spirometers (or Marijuana)

Is this your first time using an incentive spirometer (or marijuana)?  Well, you're in luck: our Gomerblog team has created this easy 15-step process to using your incentive spirometer (or weed).  Don't be intimidated,...
brain stem biopsy

Physical Exam Tips: The Nervous System

The physical exam of the brain and nervous system can be broken down into two parts: the lumbar puncture and everything else. Lumbar Puncture The lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap (11) is extremely helpful for...
sexual harassment in hospital

Avoiding Sexual Harassment Charges on the Job

With the arrest of a prominent emergency medicine physician in Manhattan for the alleged sexual abuse of patients in his care, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of professional standards in this...
sprained ankle

The Difference Between RICE & Rice

Today, we distinguish between another two often-confused entities: RICE and rice. RICE is an acronym that stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.  RICE is often used to treat musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains and...
tax day

Tips: Financial Advice for Health Care Practitioners for Tax Day

Ah, April 15; everyone’s favorite day.  It is well-known that the tax literacy of healthcare practitioners is pretty laughable.  Since I have no financial background, I think it’s fitting that I try to give...
stray dart

So You’ve Been Hit by a Stray Dart, What to Do Next

It happens all the time.  You're hanging out at a bar or friend's house playing a game of darts, when - BAM!! - a dart hits you in the neck.  The adrenaline rush and...