Tuesday, May 7, 2024
icd-10 quiz

ICD-10 Primer, Quiz 1: Can You Spot the Y92 Code That Isn’t Real?

It is probably safe to assume that every health care practitioner in America has committed the Y92 or “the place of occurrence of the external cause” codes to memory.  But let’s see how sharp...
fast train

Tips: How to Perform a Spinal Tap on a Moving Train

I have to admit: spinal taps (lumbar punctures) are not one of my favorite procedures to perform.  I’m fairly certain our patients don’t enjoy them either.  Now imagine performing the procedure on a high-speed...
resignation letter for hospital

How to Write a Resignation Letter & Burn As Many Bridges As Possible

With burnout at a record high and no signs of improvement in sight, there will be an increasing need for letters of resignation.  But how does one go about writing a letter of resignation?...
used speculum tongue depressor

Ten Spectacular Off-Label Uses of the Speculum

You’re probably familiar with the traditional use of the speculum: visualization of the cervical os, blah blah blah.  We at Gomerblog are pleased to share some exciting uses of what has been hailed by...
alternative medicine

Health Tips for Edward Snowden

As Edward Snowden hides out in third-world countries, GomerBlog has some health advice: Will not be able to consult WebMD because the town’s one computer is using dial-up to AOL Wait!  Don’t eat that! ...

Most Popular Medical Questions of 2016 by State

2016 is complete, and we combed through the data at Google to find out what were the most popular medical questions asked by state (click the map to enlarge): What is New England's obsession with...

The Difference Between a Pianist and a Penis

In this series, Gomerblog delves deep into two things often mistaken for one another and helps sort out their differences in order to help us become better health care professionals and people....

Fancy Medical Terms and What They Really Mean

Nurses and doctors use fancy words to communicate and sound smart before patients, families and each other. Having spent most of his adult life in the hospital, Livin La Vida Locum, M.D. shares the...
brain stem biopsy

Physical Exam Tips: The Nervous System

The physical exam of the brain and nervous system can be broken down into two parts: the lumbar puncture and everything else. Lumbar Puncture The lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap (11) is extremely helpful for...
incentive spirometer incentivized spirometer

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Incentive Spirometers (or Marijuana)

Is this your first time using an incentive spirometer (or marijuana)?  Well, you're in luck: our Gomerblog team has created this easy 15-step process to using your incentive spirometer (or weed).  Don't be intimidated,...