Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing 2016 Interpretation
Florence Nightingale, "The Lady with the Lamp," is the modern founder of the nursing profession and wrote Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not in 1859, which has become a...
Nursing Memes Collection to Help You Survive Your Shift!
Nurses, nursing students, CNAs, sometimes you just need that extra laugh to get you through a horrible shift. Take 2 minutes to flip through these memes and hopefully we can give you enough energy...
MEDCOMIC Cartoons: Hilarious Medical Learning (Volume 1)
MEDCOMIC creator Jorge Muniz has created a funny and effective way to help study for that next test! We posted a few of his many cartoons below, and if you like them, be sure...
Memes, Memes, and More Medical Memes
Nurses Have Stethoscopes: What Do You Think?
The philosophical TV show, The View, recently discussed the recent Miss America pageant. Two of the hosts were very critical of Miss Colorado with comments such as: Why is she wearing a "nurse's uniform?"...
10 Reasons Why You Are the Worst Patient Ever
Want to know why no nurse or physician or other health care provider wants to come into your room and take care of you? Here are 10 reasons why you are the worst patient...
Floor Plans for Inpatient Medicine Wards: Reality vs. Dream
In reality, this is what 95% of hospital medicine wards look like...
... and now for the DREAM inpatient medicine ward!
Ever Wonder How Radiologists Know What Studies to Recommend?
Ever wonder how radiologists know what studies to recommend and perform? GomerBlog has gone undercover into the bowels of hospitals to study radiologists. After months of hiding under desks in dark rooms, this is what...
Caricatures of a Medical Student, an Intern, and a Paediatrician
Here are some fantastic caricatures depicting medical Students, junior doctors, and paediatricians from a fan all the way from Ireland. If you enjoyed the cartoons, check out more at the artist's website www.eoinkelleher.com.
Oh yes, the days...