Hospital Administration

Hospital Administrators Bring Hope & Quality to Remote African Village

BAALAH, KENYA - A medical mission trip made up entirely of hospital administrators has just returned to America after a week serving the needy in a remote African village. “You hear all the time about the great work...
hospital administrator golfing

A Modern Hippocratic Oath for Hospital Administrators

Going forward, I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this cost-saving and value-added covenant: I am an agent of change and will under-appreciate the hard-won scientific gains of those providers...

Bold Hospital Planning on Operating Over Thanksgiving Weekend Without Hospital Administrators

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - Reutgers Medical Center recently announced that it may operate this Thanksgiving weekend without any hospital administrators in-house.  "We have been practicing trial runs by having an on-call administrator on Saturdays but taking...
registered nurses

Hospital Administrators Rename RNs to ‘Refreshments and Narcotics’

TAMPA, FL - In order to comply with new government healthcare regulations involving patient satisfaction, hospital administrators at Tampa Memorial Cross Hospital have decided to rename registered nurses (RNs) to a more appropriate title, “Refreshments and...
happy hour for health care workers

Hospital Enacts New Mandatory Happy Hour for Employees

BOSTON, MA - "Go figure out the best way to improve patient safety and medical care at our hospital," was the charge that CEO of Memorial Hospital, Dr. Gina Stockdale, posed to her panel members....

ZDoggMD: Doc Vader Vs. Hospital Administrator

If you enjoyed this video, you have to check out his site HERE.  Make sure you subscribe to his Facebook Page!  He does live performances on Facebook and so much more interaction, you’ll love...