WASHINGTON, DC – The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) just passed a new residency requirement that mandates residents and interns to take a 30-minute power nap between the hours of 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m., immediately after a “nutritious and filling lunch.”

Studies show that quick siestas in the afternoon lead to improved performance and increased patient safety at hospitals with GME. Attending physicians and medical students will fill in for the 30-minute period where all residents in the hospital are in mandatory naptime. “Code Nap” will be announced overhead to help enforce the new legislation.
Hospitals are currently converting some patient rooms into padded resident napping rooms. Mats and blankets will be placed on the floor by nurses and warm milk will be available with soothing music in the background. Nurses will also be required to tuck in the residents, sing a few lullabies, and then chart twice that they tucked in the residents in their patient’s chart
Surgical residents scrubbed into a case in the operating room will be expected to break scrub and nap 30 minutes before returning back to the case. If they have not had lunch yet, they will be required to break out 15 minutes earlier in order to fill their bellies before naptime.
ACGME spokesman, Dr. William Speedly, had this to say in regards to the new mandatory naptime:
“Placing residents in naptime will ultimately improve patient safety and patient satisfaction. Although some residents may not actually nap, they need to be put down for ‘quiet time’ at a minimum during ‘Code Nap.’ What they do in the room during their 30 minutes is up to them.”
“I really am looking forward to taking naps,” said PGY2 Dr. Martha Wilkens. “I don’t know how previous residents ever survived without naptime.”
As expected, attending physicians and nurses are furious, but if they fight it, residency programs may lose accreditation. For now, it looks like residents and interns will be getting their power naps.
“These millennial residents are something else,” said attending physician Rebecca Winterson. “They have no idea how good they have it now.”
whu not for the nurses who work 14 hour shift
It is about time for mandatory baby bottles as well
This would be sweet!
I think this is unfair why should it be from 1:00 to 1:30? I think residents should eb allowed to choose what time they want.
The fact that some people don’t realize this is a joke absolutely blows my mind…
Here in Mexico we have ABC Guards of 36 hrs and frecuently with out a NAP
ACGME should go find a new job that does not involve screwing up other peoples’ lives. They have done an awful job regulation trainees and their work load/hours.
Please tell me “code nap” is not really a thing.
I think old attendings like me need naps more! And massages!
might as well nap. dream about those not so big bucks you are going to get!
Perpetuating the mama’s boys and girls of the next generation of MDs
I thought this was already in place…….
Christina Ruiz
Dave Sabrina Bates
The residents where I work work 12 hr shifts. They get a nap, I get a nap…
Yarik Gee, Ariel Ourian, Yardanna Koppel
I have been known to nap during didactics. And if I find a spot at the doctors’ station that is too comfy.
Oh You! You almost had me for a minute! This wouldn’t work because then we’d have to have something like this. Or we could start a union movement and have a napping clause in our contract
“Tucking in” once had other connotations.
Hell no!!
Residents will still pretend they had their nap (but not really) while fudging their hours to stay within “compliance” (see “80-hour” work week lol).
Go ahead and ask Carr for a nap Cody ! Lmao
You can nap when no one is crashing, or needs their pain med regiment tweaked, a family doesn’t need updating and as far as ME tucking YOU in—– DIY–physician soothe thy self
Let them sleep!
Gary Oates
Michael … Such a simple solution!!!
NOBODY is sleeping in my unit. Not without some really nasty things happening to them. Come to think more on this it may actually be fun in a devilish sorta way . Bet they’ll never try it again !