Home Nursing Olympics Are Over, Now What??

Olympics Are Over, Now What??

Olympics Are Over, Now What??
57342088 - attractive woman on plein background shot in studio with soft lights with an interesting expression and dramatic lighting

SEATTLE, WA – Nurses around the globe are wondering what in the world they will do now that the Olympics are over.

57342088 - attractive woman on plein background shot in studio with soft lights with an interesting expression and dramatic lighting

“We’ve spent the past 16 days running from room to room catching the latest and greatest athletes perform their feats live all while convincing our patients to not change the channel.”

“The best was fresh post op patients who aren’t awake enough to care what their TV is playing.  I can watch all my favorite events while pretending to listen to their endless rants about pain and needing a turkey sandwich.”

Even patient morale increased while nurses were shouting a resounding YES every time USA won an event; it was found patients thought their nurses were just cheering for them and their recovery.

Now that the Olympics have concluded, nurses everywhere are needing to be retrained to do their normal bedside care and chart real respiratory rates.

“You mean we actually have to pay attention, deliver narcotics AND  chart what we’re charting?”  One nurse complained to GomerBlog.  “I was only trying to be patriotic and support our country, now how am I supposed to do that?”

One nurse mentioned he has no idea what he will do with all his time at work but quickly quipped “At least fall premieres are just around the corner.”


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