Home Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PT Says Patient is Progressing Nicely, Nearly Capable of Flight

PT Says Patient is Progressing Nicely, Nearly Capable of Flight

PT Says Patient is Progressing Nicely, Nearly Capable of Flight
Tomorrow we'll have you stretch all four limbs out, then the day after that, we remove the ball entirely and see if you can fly!
physical therapy PT flight
Tomorrow we remove the ball entirely and see if you can fly!

SAN DIEGO, CA – Physical therapist (PT) Kyle Patrick says that his patient, Miranda Evans, is progressing so well through her outpatient rehabilitation sessions that at her current pace she should be totally capable of flight by next Wednesday.

“I’ve been fighting with lower back pain for the longest time, and my PCP [primary care doctor] finally convinced me to do physical therapy, and that’s how I met Kyle,” Evans told us while balancing herself perfectly on an medicine ball using only her abdominal muscles.  “He focused on strengthening my core muscles, really pushed me.  Not only is my back feeling better than ever, he tells me that I should get aviator glasses ready because I will be defying gravity soon.”

Patrick says Evans is his star patient.  He says he’s met many wonderful and motivated patients, but that Evans is someone special.  Never before has he successfully taught a patient how to fly, but he really thinks she’s got what it takes.

“Look, every person has his or her limits and I’m here to push them to their absolute max.  If I’m not doing that, I’m not doing my job,” Patrick told Gomerblog, who mentioned that he plans on surprising Evans tomorrow with a superhero cape.  “With Miranda – or should I say the Marvelous Miranda! – the sky literally is the limit.”

Patrick added later, preparing for Miranda’s big test flight tomorrow: “Forget opioids.  Flying is the new high.”


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