Hospital Administration

Monty Python

Monty Python Teaches Us About Birth & Administration

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life came out in 1983.  Yet this classic scene, "Part I - The Miracle of Birth," still rings loud and clear today, from the machine that goes "PING!!!" to Michael...

Hospital Now Accepting Likes, Retweets as Payments

NASHVILLE, TN - In a stunning health care coup, Stalwart Memorial Hospital has announced a new advertising campaign that is sure to change the face of hospital publicity and simultaneously lower the cost of...

Medical Team Sues Difficult Patient for Pain & Suffering

BIRMINGHAM, AL - Sometimes enough is enough.  A multidisciplinary inpatient medical team at Birmingham Medical Center (BMC) is taking difficult patient and frequent flyer Jason Johnson to court, suing him for pain & suffering. “I can’t...
hospital ceo

Hospital CEO Praised for Raising Patient:Nurse Ratio to 10:1

RICHMOND, VA - Our Lady of Oddi Hospital (OLOH) CEO, Mr. Benjamin Wilkerson, is being credited with developing a novel idea that may save the U.S. Healthcare and Insurance sector a projected 34.8 billion...
medical pager

Pages We Love to Get at Any Point During the Day

These are probably the best pages any health care professional can ask for! "We're building forts out of drapes, wanna join?! - Anesthesia, OR 4" "Go home, I'm gonna write ur notes today - Hospital Administrator" "Patient...

EMR Developers Shocked to Learn How Their Software is Actually Used

Several developers of widely-used electronic medical record (EMR) software were invited out of their cubicles last week for a much-hyped tour of the real-world health care system. A volunteer team of medical office managers showed...
doctor notes DVT PE

Hospital Gets Rid of Patients, Doctors to Spend 100% of Time Writing Notes

State Hospital Medical Center has made headlines across the nation today by shutting its doors to human patients.  Physicians will now spend 100% of their time taking care of e-patients. According to hospital CEO Rosalyn...

Primary Care Office Installs People Mover

DENVER, CO - In an effort to satisfy the demands of hospital administration, the physicians at Suncare Health made the easy decision to install a people mover in their office.  Last month, administrators mandated...
joint commission

Joint Commission Mandates New Pain Scale That Goes to Infinity

OAKBROOK TERRACE, IL - The Joint Commission believes that when a patient has “20 out of 10 pain” it isn’t the patient’s fault, it’s the scale’s fault.  That is why the Joint Commission is...

Rating the EHRs: Which EHR is Best for Your Hospital?

Are you suffering from migraines looking to transition from paper charts to an electronic health record (EHR)?  Fear no more.  GomerBlog has assembled this easy-to-use chart below to help decide which EHR is best...