

GI Cocktail Wasn’t the Cocktail Alcoholic Patient Had in Mind

LOUISVILLE, KY - Proud alcoholic Steven D'Amato presented to the Emergency Department (ED) of Louisville Medical Center (LMC) with minor withdrawal symptoms and mild stomach upset, looking for something to help settle his nerves....
stage 5 pressure ulcer wound dressing wound care don't care

Wound Care Nurse Calls Pressure Ulcer a Rare “Stage 5”

BOSTON, MA - Nurse Amy Johnson has seen some pretty bad sacral decubitus ulcers in her long career as a wound care nurse, but this new consult takes the cake.  In her own words,...
nurse reprimanded

Nurse Cures Cancer; Reprimanded for Breaking Protocol

ORLANDO, FL - While looking at some lab values in conjunction with scientific research for her NP program, Nurse Francine Marcus miraculously found the cure to all kinds of cancer.  Said Francine Marcus, “I...
yellow isolation ballroom gown

Dior’s New Yellow Isolation Ballroom Gowns are Stunning

PARIS, FRANCE - In breaking news that has the fashion industry stirring, designers at Christian Dior are bringing style back into isolation rooms by replacing the boxy and boring isolation gowns of old with... Updates Plate Portions for Nurses, Docs

WASHINGTON, DC - The USDA website has updated its plate for all hospital personnel to remind them that while finding your healthy eating style and building it throughout your lifetime is great and...

How Many Different Hats Can a Medical Provider Wear?

It's not uncommon in modern medicine for any given health care provider, whether it's a nurse, PA, or doctor, to have multiple roles or wear multiple hats: a clinical hat, an administrative hat, etc....
frustrated nurse

New Nurse Retires After First 12-Hour Shift

OCEANSIDE, CA - New graduate Betty Jones has decided to retire after her first and only twelve-hour shift of floor nursing.  Said Betty Jones, "I've never felt so burnt out in my whole life....