Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Meet Dr. Eugene Gu and His Girlfriend Eugene Gu?

TWITTERVERSE, U.S. – Dr. Eugene Gu first gained national social media attention in Spring 2018 when he claimed he was fired from the general surgical residency program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for kneeling to...

Commentary: Percocet Doesn’t Work for Me Because It Has Tylenol, and Tylenol Doesn’t Help...

Thanks but no thanks.  Percocet (oxycodone/acetaminophen) doesn’t work for me.  Why?  Isn’t it obvious?  You’re the one with the medical degree and you don’t even know?  Well let me explain it to you.  Percocet...
hospital administrator

Why I Became a Hospital Administrator

After carefully surveying the shifting American healthcare landscape for the past decade, I retired from my increasingly headache filled private practice and said to myself, "Self, you can’t beat ‘em, so join ‘em." No longer...
vaginal bleeding

Commentary: I Wish Someone Would Tell Me Why My Vagina Keeps Bleeding

My name is Valerie.  I'm thirty-five years old and I've been blessed with good health my entire life.  I'm happily married and have two beautiful children.  I’m a teacher in an elementary school and...
doctor on phone

This Patient Really Belongs on Your Service

Commentary by a Doctor of a Kind Different From Your Kind Hi.  I’m really sorry to be waking you at an hour such as this one, but there is a problem which I believe requires...

ICD-10 Codes Are Out: What Do You Think?

ICD-10 codes are out.  It contains over 14,400 codes for diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, special circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.  We asked around the hospital to see what...
hospital administrators

Commentary: Hospital Administrator Wants You to Have Some Priorities

Good morning, Dr Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram.  Thanks for taking a moment out of your busy hospitalist day to stop by my office as I had requested.  Have a seat.  Yes, that's a gold-plated chair, thanks!  I used...
urology awkard

Let Me Have at Your Johnson

EXAM ROOM 4, UROLOGY CLINIC - Hello, sir.  You seem a little bit nervous.  Well, there’s no need for that, I can assure you.  After medical school I spent the better part of a decade...
crying hospital

Will I Cry During This Admission?

The hospital can be a scary place, even to frequent fliers.  With so much uncertainty about what to expect, it would be nice to have a guide to help identify risk factors for distress...

Opinion: Like Michigan Leaders, I Also Prefer My Water Corrosive and Full of Lead

I’m sure you’re reading about the Flint water crisis and thinking the same thing as me: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, the state’s Department of Environmental Quality, and other government officials are true heroes! BRAVO!!!...