For years, Dr. Suda Nim had expressed frustration over his patients who came to the Emergency Department with a chief complaint of a fibromyalgia flare.

Dr. Nim“Every time a patient with fibromyalgia came in, I’d cry on the inside.  Some were fine, but most had vague pseudo-complaint of hurting everywhere.  Also, despite taking a multitude of vitamins and herbal remedies, I couldn’t give them anything other than narcotics because of their three page ‘allergy‘ list.  They really boxed me in.  I finally lost it,” exclaimed Nim.

However, like many breakthroughs in medicine, the cure revealed itself unexpectedly.

Dr. Nim explained: “The first time I did this, I was angry and frustrated.  I just told the patient I was a certified fibromy-ogist.  I gave her high doses of Benadryl, Haldol, and Ativan and I turned the TV music station to the Enya music station.  Then, much like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid, I rubbed my hands together and shot healing rays at the patient.  I made up some garbage about magnetic fields in my hands purging toxins of the fibro out of her system.”

“I was shocked to find that my patient markedly improved.  Within days I had dozens more arriving to be ‘healed.’  I explained that I had made it up, but they disagreed and demanded treatment.  So I gave the same treatment, which had remarkable efficacy.”

In a stunning revelation, allergies to Motrin and Toradol completely reversed itself, which aided Dr. Nim in prescribing home medications.  “I created ‘fibro-aid pills,’ which is a secret ratio of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and Paxil, and told them to take as needed.”

Dr. Nim, despite openly stating he does not feel his treatment works to treat this complex disease, recently opened “The Fibro Clinic.”  Treatments for $2,000 per 5 minutes are booked for the next four months.  The clinic will also cure aspartame poisoning.