PORTLAND, OR – More and more primary care physicians have been embracing the curative powers of alternative medicine in their practice. Unfortunately, few options exist in critical care settings, where doctors have been forced to rely on traditional Western medicine.

But a new approach, alternative blood banking, is trying to change that. Dr. Brian Simpson, medical director of Holistic Transfusion Services, explains his revolutionary process.
“We take the basic principles of homeopathy, such as the ‘law of similars’ (or ‘like cures like’), and ‘potentisation’ (or strengthening through serial dilution), and apply them to the production of novel blood components.” says Dr. Simpson. “For example, if a patient is severely anemic, we request a 10 mL sample of their blood. We add that sample to a liter of normal saline, and strike it with a silver rod (‘succussion’). This activates the ‘memory’ of the blood within the normal saline, allowing the whole solution to retain the vital energy of the blood. Then 10 mL of that solution is added to a new liter of normal saline. This process is repeated thirty times, for a typical 30C dilution, with each dilution enhancing the strength of the product. The end result is a highly potent unit of homeopathic blood, which is transfused back to the patient.”
While a 30C dilution is standard, it is also time- and labor-intensive, and may not be available in emergency situations such as trauma or acute bleeds. In these scenarios, when a patient sample is unavailable for dilution, they rely on homeopathic blood products prepared from donors.
“It’s completely safe,” says Dr. Simpson, “as long as the donor and patient are star sign-compatible. For example, a Gemini donor product is compatible with a Libra recipient, but you would never give Aquarius blood to a Taurus.”
When these products were offered to the local hospital, many providers were skeptical. “I was bothered by the lack of scientific credibility,” says trauma surgeon Dr. Trevor Winters. “I’m not a big believer in that stuff.” But after seeing the products used by others in his practice, Dr. Winters was convinced. “Homeopathic blood products seem to be very effective as the initial resuscitation fluid in mild to moderate traumatic blood loss. Transfusing two liters of homeopathic blood, rapid push, does seem to stabilize patients until the ‘allopathic’ blood bank gets around to sending their units. I was a skeptic at first, but you can’t argue with results.”
In addition, Holistic Transfusion Services offers a wide range of modified blood products. For immunosuppressed patients, the laboratory uses magnet therapy and healing crystals to produce an “impurity-reduced” product. A product may also be “Reiki-ated,” where a Reiki master uses palm-healing to align the positive energy of the product. “We are also experimenting with transfusion of positive chi concentrates,” says Dr. Simpson. “But recent attempts have shown that total chi exchanges may be more successful. It’s an evolving field, and we’re leading the way.”