Flint Michigan’s water has been full of lead since 2014, just recently they declared it to be a national emergency.  What are the medical health professionals saying?

We asked around the hospital to see what you were thinking:

9351345_m “Lead is really only threatening the children; I’m a general surgeon not a pediatric surgeon, so I don’t care.”

Dr. Lawson, General Surgeon

42897391_m “All this lead in the water is giving me pain! I want that medication that starts with a D, more dilaudid!”

Don Samson, Patient from Cleav.. no Flint, MI

obgyn “With all the lead my patients are drinking, do you think their babies will sink during a water birth?”

Dr. Vasquez, OB/GYN

32215252_m “Is it too late to volunteer? I need a couple more things for my CV, I’m applying to derm and I really want to stand out. Tragedies like this really help me out!”

Brent Shoemaker 2nd Year Med Student

11131217_ma “Well technically the water is still gluten free, and probably has less chemicals than those vaccines my pediatrician is always trying to push on us, so I’m still drinking it. And I’ve done my research.”

Dawn Freedman, Anti-vaxer-anti-gluten enthusiast.

 35392485_m  “In my day we only drank lead. In fact we complained when there was water in our lead.”

Mrs. Thomas, Bounceback from the other team