Home Surgery ENT Breaking: 1 in 500 Can’t Smell What The Rock is Cooking

Breaking: 1 in 500 Can’t Smell What The Rock is Cooking

Breaking: 1 in 500 Can’t Smell What The Rock is Cooking
43777401 - young woman standing by the stove in the kitchen .

HAYWARD, CA – The Rock says it all the time: “Can YA SMELL-LALALALALALALLALALA-OWWWWWW what The Rock…. is cooking?!”  But can everyone smell what The Rock is cooking?  It turns out roughly 1 in 500 people have anosmia: the inability to perceive smells.  There are numerous causes for anosmia and hyposmia, which refers to a decreased sense of smell.  So Rock, if you’re listening, take note: The People’s Elbow is pretty electric and you’re pretty awesome in Moana, but face it, some of us cannot and will not ever know what you’re cooking, no matter how talented you might be in the kitchen, and that makes us sad.  You’re welcome!


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