PITTSBURGH, PA – Hope Mercy ICU is starting a new policy that if you need your patient extubated just send them to radiology.

“Usually when your patient doesn’t quite meet extubation criteria but you have a feeling that they would do well without an endotracheal tube, just send them to radiology,” Dr. Wichman, a critical care physician, told GomerBlog.
“This policy works great, I don’t have to worry about being sued later because I extubated my patient when these arbitrary marks were not met. No more long paragraphs in my notes about why I was going on clinical intuition. Just send them downstairs and let it ride.”
For many years it was well known that an intubated patient sent to get a scan would lose their breathing tube somewhere along transport or in the scanner. About 40% of the time they would also lose their IV. “I would always report that the patient coughed out the tube or the IV got snagged; now there is this understanding that patients are coming down because they need their lines and tubes removed.”
No need to write an order for extubation or do weaning protocols. In fact if you don’t want your patient to receive any extra radiation, order an ultrasound or just ask for the off the menu item of “requesting radiologist to review the films with the patient.”
Wow… you are dumb
Mochiro !
Satire detector fail….
They managed to pull out a chest tube I had just put in…..
Bane of every anesthesiologist’s existence, lol.
As a radiology nurse I do what I can for my fellow nurses
Also works if you want your ventric out!
How about don’t have a diagnosis for your patient, use the shotgun approach and order a CT CAP to see if the radiologist can tell you what’s going on.
Not sure what kind of training these transport people have, but our hospital has specific critical transport teams for intubated patients to procedure areas, and very well trained Radiology nurses in all areas of Radiology. Not sure of our stats, but am damn sure it’s not 40% extubation rate. That’s ridiculous. Obviously many hospitals need to wake up and pay for more training and better staff in Radiology areas. Ours does and patient safety is paramount!!!!
I know! These incidents happen everytime! As soon as the R.N. who by the way, is the primary individual responsible for the patient, arrives to the scanner and as soon the patient is transferred from the bed to the CT table, plops his or her ass on the chair behind the control screen and has his or her face buried on the iphone. Especially when the patient is moving in and out of a scanner, while the respiratory therapist is bagging and trying to keep up with the patient moving in and out of the gantry
Or a Foley catheter , or IV that was extremely difficult to put in.
I always breathed a sigh of relief when the intubated pt I took down to CT Scan was still intubated when I brought him back up to ICU !!!
Kkkk mas foi engraçado…. Davi Sa Leitao
Que marmota!!! Kkkkkkk de fato eles tem mania de acordarem no meio do caminho quando a gente pede uma TC por rebaix de sensório kkkkk
Mas perder tubo… Nunca acontece não rs… Esse povo deve estar com tubo sem necessidade rs
Dannielle Bennink
Haha truth.
Kelsei Bezerra Maia, acontece isso ai?
LOL wasn’t me!! haha
That’s funny cuz I just had contrast spray all over me and a pt because the nurse didn’t tighten the hub ;)
Serena Delgadillo Schroeder Lucas Urlacher lol
HAhahaaa, I have published a paper on Nurse led extubation http://dawkinshealthconsultancy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/JPP-October-2011-Nurse-led-patient-extubationt-Dawkins.pdf
Lol, or just turn the propofol to KVO
Margarita Cunningham Nicole Grahl
Not intrathoracic aortic clamps though! Lol
Or take out their I.V.!
Or a central line or foley…lol
Did I forget to tie those restraints? My bad ;-)
Too funny!
Removing freshly placed chest tubes, too.
Hey don’t you date! Lol
Our dirty secret :)
Emily Louise King
At least I make up a great story to go with the pulled IV!! Lol
Ben Kemp
Total truth!! Glad they mentioned IV stats as well, lol!! Awesome!!
Lol true
Really hilarious.
Valerie Paul
True that
Haha awesome
Lol, this is a riot!!