Saturday, May 18, 2024
joint commission

Joint Commission Riding Out COVID-19 Outbreak With Heads in Sand

OAKBROOK TERRACE, IL – In the ongoing fight against the novel coronavirus, healthcare workers across the country have been resorting to all sorts of innovative methods in the pursuit of helping the most...

Orthopaedic Surgeons Directed to Shelter in Hospital Gym Until COVID-19 Clears

Somewhere, AL – Brock Hammersley has been very concerned as he has watched the Coronavirus spread across the globe. “To be honest, my biggest fear is that someone will expect me to help...

Nation to Vote on Which Celebrity to Sacrifice to COVID19 Gods

Who will you vote to eliminate; Miley Cyrus, Malone Post, Kanye West, or all of the Kardashians? All we know is that even if it doesn't stop the virus, America still wins!

COVID-19: Lady Liberty Shelters in Place on Liberty Island

NEW YORK, NY - Heeding the warnings of local public health officials regarding pandemic COVID-19, the Statue of Liberty will shelter in place on Liberty Island for the indefinite future.

Breaking: Man Flu Caused by COVID-19

BETHESDA, MD - In a major scientific breakthrough, researchers at the National Institute of Health have uncovered that man flu is both real and caused by pandemic COVID-19. Though...

Concerning: August Intern Asks ‘What’s Covid?’

MIAMI, FL - August medicine intern Austin Moss asked his attending on rounds, "What's Covid?" Residency program leadership has already been alerted to this major red flag. "I...

Intergalactic Health Council Recommends Galaxies Stay at Least 6 Million Light-Years Apart

THE GALAXY OF ANDROMEDA - The nearby galaxy of Andromeda has been watching with bated breath as novel coronavirus rapidly spreads around planet Earth. No longer feeling safe at a distance...

An Orthopaedic Surgeon Explains Coronavirus

Globogym Headquarters, CA – All rights dudes and dudettes, this Coronavirus is treating the world the way Busch Light treats gas station toilets. So set down your bro-tein shakes and lo-carb...

Online NP Programs to Eliminate Clinical Requirements to Maximally Exploit COVID19

Austin, TX -  In the past several months while the country has been undersiege from the Coronavirus, numerous political and professional groups have taken full advantage of the crisis to promote their own agendas. 

COVID-19 Study: 90% of Americans Said “But I Feel Fine” Before Testing Positive

BETHESDA, MD - In a new study published in the Diary of the American Medical Association (DAMA), researchers found that 90% of U.S. patients who tested positive for coronavirus said the phrase...