Primary Care

patient takes health

Breaking News: American Patient Takes Responsibility for Own Health

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA - During multidisciplinary rounds on a cardiology unit at the University of Virginia Medical Center (UVAMC), a glimmer of hope was revealed as the health care team was discussing a patient's past...

Mayo Secretly Celebrates New #1 Status After Cleveland Clinic Comes Out Anti-Vax

ROCHESTER, MN - The Mayo Clinic recently held a campus-wide party this weekend full of "Number 1" balloons and cakes that said "Mayo #1".  These were held after Cleveland Clinic promoted anti-vaccination (or anti-vax)....

Product Review: Littman’s Cordless Stethoscope

Pros: Portable stethoscope capable of listening to human organ noises.  No battery required! Cons: The cordless nature of the device means you have no excuse not to listen to your patient's heart and lungs. Littman’s new...