WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump is growing impatient with the new Anesthesiologist General continually asking him how much time is left in his presidency.

Surgeon/Anesthesiologist General Dr. Jerome Adams has reportedly been peeking over the drapes in the Oval Office asking Trump “how much longer” then sighing regardless of the answer an average of 5 times an hour since his initial appointment.
“I’m about to lose it,” President Trump said, “If I have to say ‘the rest of my term maybe another term after that’ one more time I’m going to tear down his drape fort and kick his children out of the White House.”
After being asked how much longer for the 37th time today, President Trump screamed, “That’s it! You’re fired! Take your sudoku books and get out! CRNA General, you’re in!”
As the Anesthesiogist General folded up his Mac blade and walked out of the Oval Office, President Trump could be overheard blaming him for the recent spate of Hurricanes, male pattern baldness, and polio.