father's day for physician or nurse

Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts for Your Physician/Nurse Dad

Did you forget to buy your doctor or nurse dad a gift for Father’s Day?  Don’t worry, GomerBlog has you covered.  Here’s a last minute gift guide by specialty for all you procrastinators out...

Physician Recruitment Ad Statements and What They Really Mean

Ad text Actual meaning Established medical center is a state of the art, modern, newly renovated hospital   The MRI works 12 hours out of the week, and the cost of that new fountain in the lobby will...

Fancy Medical Terms and What They Really Mean

Nurses and doctors use fancy words to communicate and sound smart before patients, families and each other. Having spent most of his adult life in the hospital, Livin La Vida Locum, M.D. shares the...

Lost Your Car in the Hospital Garage? Order a Consult

If it has happened once, it has happened a million times: you forgot where you parked.  It is the end of the day and all you want to do is go home but where...

Tips: How to Keep Your Necktie Nice & Colonized‏

So who doesn’t love neckties?  Not only do they strangle your windpipe, but they also spread disease with reckless abandon.  Cheers to that!  Here are some of our favorite ways at GomerBlog to help...

Pros and Cons of a Nephrologist

See also: - Pros and Cons of a Hospitalist - Pros and Cons of a Stethoscope

Tips: How to Pronounce a Difficult Drug Name Without Choking, Aspirating, Dying

Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“The” FDA) approved the efficacious and unpronounceable idarucizumab (also known, thankfully, as Praxbind) to reverse the anticoagulant effects of Pradaxa in emergencies.  That got us to...

Children’s Book Review: Grace & Chase Tackle Acid-Base

Pros / This book is a colorful, lyrical, and fun read for precocious infants, toddlers, and children with an interest in acid-base disorders. Cons / The tale focuses little on Bartter and Gitelman syndromes. The One...
new lab test

Nephrologist Discovers New Electrolyte, Internists Everywhere Rejoice

LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA – Morning report got much more interesting this week, as nephrologist David Adams fulfilled the unspoken dreams of internists around the world, as he announced that he found a new serum...
urine sample

Hospital Staff Deciding If Cup at Nurses Station is Filled With Urine-Colored Tea or...

BOCA RATON, FL - The hospital staff at St. Maria-De-Madrigal-Del-Toro-Del-Mar Boca Ratón Community Hospital have spent the last four hours debating whether the unidentified liquid left in a cup at the central nursing station...