Class of 2007 medical school reunion

At Medical School Reunion, Class of 2007 Celebrates 10 Years of Debt, Utter Exhaustion

BOSTON, MA - This Gomerblog author was on-hand for his Boston University School of Medicine Class of 2007 reunion last night, and it was nothing short of a pure joy to reunite with old...
Hippocrates Plato

Breaking: Hippocrates Copy & Pasted Oath from Plato’s Note

ATHENS, GREECE - The Archaeological Society of Athens has rocked the medical world after it has found overwhelming evidence suggesting that the Hippocratic Oath wasn't written by Hippocrates at all, that it was copied...
usmle exam

10 Practical USMLE Board Study Tips

Studying for and taking the USMLE can be stressful. Here are 10 tips to help you prepare for the real deal: 1. Train your bladder by drinking a gallon of water and trying to complete...
nursing diagnosis

Report: Ability to Wear Scrubs to Work is Only Thing Keeping Health Care Professionals...

CHICAGO, IL - According to a recent poll of nearly 20,000 health care professionals jointly conducted by the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Nurses Association (ANA), 99.8% of...
stairwell at hospital

Residency Programs Nationwide Call Jeopardy to Replace New Interns Lost in Stairwells

CHICAGO, IL - Residency programs nationwide - including but not limited to emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, neurosurgery, OB/GYN, and pediatrics - report that a combined 20,000 new interns are lost...
fever defervesce

Ask a 4th-Year Med Student (Who’s Checked Out for the Year)

Our readers get to pose tough questions to our columnist-cum-med student who is only a few months away from graduating. Dear 4th-Year Med Student Who’s Checked Out for the Year, Every time my friends and I...
first aid for usmle step 1

Previous Owner of First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 Book Obviously Failed Step...

COLUMBUS, OH -  Stephen Morrical, a second-year medical student at The Ohio State University, reported yesterday that the previous owner of his First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 book most likely failed Step...

Nursing Student Enters OR Without Shoe Covers: Beatings Commence

WARWICK, RI - The student nurse stared nervously at the blood-red line bisecting the hallway.  Scrub hat and surgical mask, check.  Full breakfast and adequate hydration to prevent passing out and taking a bite...
potato head

Hasbro Unveils Innovative Medical Teaching Tools: Mr. Rectum and Ms. Pelvis

PAWTUCKET, RI - In response to the paucity of volunteers for critical physical exam instruction, the Council on Undergraduate Medical Education (CUME) has partnered with Hasbro™, maker of the famous Mr. Potato Head, to...

Medical Student at Home Gets Thanked for Helping Fight Coronavirus

At 9am Tuesday morning, medical student Colin G was making coffee in his PJ’s when he received a text from his Aunt Jan. “Hi Colin, this is your Aunt Jan. How are you? I’m sure...