Sunday, May 19, 2024


FDA Approves Seizure Cat to Yawn, Trot Away During Seizures

WASHINGTON, DC - Following years of testing, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has announced its approval of a novel, groundbreaking technology in the world of seizure detection: the seizure cat. "This particular human-feline interface...
bouncy house

So You’re Paged While in a Bouncy House, What to Do Next

There you are, jumping around happily in a bouncy house when the unthinkable happens: you get paged.  Well, maybe not unthinkable since you are on-call after all.  But shoot!  You're having so much fun,...

Presidential Election Medical Memes


Thor Spotted Crushing Reflexes with Mighty Hammer

ASGARD – According to witnesses, Thor, Norse God of Thunder, was recently spotted at a local hospital crushing patellar tendons with his mighty new reflex hammer.  Wielding a black, triangular rubber mallet sitting atop...
anti vaccine brain

Mutations in the Anti-Vaxxers’ Brain Discovered

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in understanding the brain functions of anti-vaccine proponents (anti-vaxxers).  Mutations in the Y74 gene encode for these transformations.  Environmental factors, such as US/UK location, lack of a formal education, Facebook...

EEG Fellow Accidentally Gets Within 10 Feet of Patient, Unsure of How to Proceed

BOSTON, MA - In a rare occurrence, last documented in 1987, a neurophysiology fellow came into the line of sight of an actual conscious patient. "I don't even know how it happened. I was just...

Most Popular Medical Questions of 2016 by State

2016 is complete, and we combed through the data at Google to find out what were the most popular medical questions asked by state (click the map to enlarge): What is New England's obsession with...
awareness anesthesia

New Monitor Helps Anesthesiologists and CRNAs Wake Up During Surgery

PHOENIX, AZ - Maintaining vigilance is vital for an Anesthesiologist or CRNA taking care of patients undergoing surgery.  However, vigilance is greatly tested every day in the operating room when da Vinci robots are...
Gas-X brain farts

Neurologists Recommend Gas-X for Treatment of Brain Farts

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has updated their guidelines for the diagnosis and management of brain farts, a condition characterized by a temporary mental lapse, and now formally recommend Gas-X...

How Many Different Hats Can a Medical Provider Wear?

It's not uncommon in modern medicine for any given health care provider, whether it's a nurse, PA, or doctor, to have multiple roles or wear multiple hats: a clinical hat, an administrative hat, etc....