

Patient Dies When Nurse Unable To Scan Epinephrine Vial at Code

FORT WAYNE, IN - A nurse’s worst nightmare occurred tonight at Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Fort Wayne.  A code blue was called overhead and nurses and doctors rushed to the scene of a crashing...

Study Finds Needle Anxiety Worsens with Tattoos

BALTIMORE, MD - Johns Hopkins researchers published a shocking new study in this month's New England Journal of Medicine showing a correlation between the quantity, location, and type of tattoos on a patient's body...

Miss Colorado Goes on “The View” Wearing Contact Precautions

NEW YORK, NY - Recently Joy Baher and her The View colleagues disrespected Miss Colorado, Kelly Johnson RN, and her talent of nursing.   Nursing, a much more viable, practical, and harder talent than baton twirling,...
nursing shift

Miss Colorado Will Only Accept Apology from “The View” Hosts After They Work a...

Miss Colorado, Kelly Johnson RN, will only accept an apology from The View hosts, Michelle Collins and Joy Behar after they have worked and survived a 12-hour shift in the ICU as a nurse. "I believe...

Nurses Have Stethoscopes: What Do You Think?

The philosophical TV show, The View, recently discussed the recent Miss America pageant. Two of the hosts were very critical of Miss Colorado with comments such as: Why is she wearing a "nurse's uniform?"...
nurse stethoscope

Littmann to Produce Separate Doctor and Nurse Stethoscopes Thanks to ‘The View’

NEW YORK, NY - "Why didn’t we think of that?" was the overwhelming question asked today by executives at Littmann, a company that produces stethoscopes, upon seeing a segment from The View.  During the...

Nurses, Doctors on Pace to Lose Over 1 Trillion Pens in 2015

CHICAGO, IL - In a study published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Penmanship (NEJP), researchers have found that healthcare practitioners across the country have picked up their A game...

Hospital Gets Sexy as Overhead Speakers Start Playing a Little Marvin Gaye

ATLANTA, GA - Time to slow things down... real… slow… and heat things up.  There’s a different feeling in the air at Georgia Medical Center (GMC) as the overhead speaker system has turned up...
Nursing Pages Per Shift

New Study: Physician Douche Level Correlates With Number Of Nursing Pages Per Shift

HARTFORD, CT - A new study published in JAMA this week demonstrated a direct correlation between the physician douche level (PDL) and and the number of nursing pages per shift (PPS). The PDL was calculated from asking 7,528...
worst patient

10 Reasons Why You Are the Worst Patient Ever

Want to know why no nurse or physician or other health care provider wants to come into your room and take care of you?  Here are 10 reasons why you are the worst patient...