botox injection

Local Mom Meets Fellow Anti-Vaxxer at Botox Clinic

CHARLOTTE, NC - Charlotte mom Sarah Catherine Murdoch, 34, was delighted to make a new friend after striking up a conversation with another patron at an area Botox clinic last week.  She found 35-year-old Madeline...
Rand Paul

Rand Paul’s Medical Credibility Lowered to Jenny McCarthy’s Level

KENTUCKY - In a shocking statement released today by Rand Paul, a well-respected Kentucky senator and ophthalmologist, he believes vaccines can lead to "mental disorders" and most should be "voluntary."  In an exclusive interview...
pediatrics vaccines

Local Children Against Vaccinations Despite the Evidence

ATLANTA, GA – A growing trend is occurring among children across the nation: the rejection of vaccines.  It has been well documented that some parents have rejected vaccinations because of a very powerful fear-mongering...
miss universal healthcare

Miss Management Crowned Miss Universal Healthcare

BOSTON, MA - Miss Management of Hospital Administration has been crowned Miss Universal Healthcare, beating out Miss Hap of General Surgery, Miss Understanding of Internal Medicine, and contestants from over 60 other subspecialties across...
medical gauze

This Day in Medical History: Patient Bled to Death When Only a 3 x...

THIS DAY IN MEDICAL HISTORY, 1917 - Patient Joseph Hails suffered from a wound that was exactly 4 inches by 4 inches.  His injury wasn’t unique, in fact many teenagers were "clubbing" at that time.  Clubbing...
mother researching vaccines

Mother Does Research, Chooses Not to Vaccinate

JACKSONVILLE, FL – Local mother of two children, Denise Jacobson has decided after much research that she will not vaccinate her children.  “Research is so easy these days, with Google and Bing.  I was...
measles infection from lack of vaccines

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Anti-Vaccine Proponent, is in Critical Condition with Measles

GLASGOW, SCOTLAND - GomerBlog regrets to inform the public that Dr. Andrew Wakefield is in critical condition at Blawarthill Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland with measles. Dr. Wakefield is best known for his work on the...
computer colonized keyboard

National Healthcare Crisis Solved in Blog Comment Section

MADISON, WI - In a lesser-known EM Physician’s blog, found buried in the comment section, contains the solution to our nation’s healthcare crisis.  After the commentator’s rant to a previous comment on how she...

Hospital Administrators Bring Hope & Quality to Remote African Village

BAALAH, KENYA - A medical mission trip made up entirely of hospital administrators has just returned to America after a week serving the needy in a remote African village. “You hear all the time about the great work...

Hospital Debuts Combination Clinic/Pharmacy Drive-Thru

RALEIGH, NC - A brand new healthcare system opened in Raleigh last week, as Atlantic Healthcare System (AHS) unveiled its state-of-the-art drive-thru clinic/pharmacy to rave reviews from consumers.  Atlantic Health calls Clinimax "The Future of...