In what can only be considered as the most egregious ethics violation a nurse can commit, Janell Shaffer spoiled a major Game of Thrones plot twist to one of her patients.

Mr. Harrington had been in serious condition for weeks at the Seattle Swedish Medical Center. He only recently felt well enough to watch something. “His mood has been really poor. He just hasn’t had much going for him lately, but he was really excited to catch up on all the Game of Thrones he missed,” reports one of her co-workers told Gomerblog.
Mr. Harrington was just moments away from one of the biggest plot twists and Janell, in a cruel lack of awareness, gives it away! (notice how we are not revealing spoilers here)
“I just cannot believe this happened,” says a disgusted Dr. Stone who witnessed the event. “It was the only thing he had to live for. The only thing he had to look forward to. Then it was ruined.”
Immediately after the spoiler, Mr. Harrington developed acute pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock and was readmitted to the CCU.
“This case really shows how nurses must be held to the highest ethical and medical standards when it comes to patient plot spoilers. It is a larger issue than most people realize. Our patient satisfaction scores plummeted due to Breaking Bad spoilers,” says Regina Snow, PhD, Chair of the Swedish Medical Center Ethics Committee. “I sure hope he makes it so he can see how his show ends.”
After extensive consultations, Dr. Stone does not believe Mr. Harrington’s condition will improve until the next episode airs. He remains critically ill with standing orders to exclude any clinical staff during the airing of the next episode.