Home Emergency Medicine Psychic Hired to Read Patients’ Minds, Doctor Visit Time Reduced

Psychic Hired to Read Patients’ Minds, Doctor Visit Time Reduced

Psychic Hired to Read Patients’ Minds, Doctor Visit Time Reduced

BATON ROUGE, LA — Do you think doctors ask weird questions—like “Do you have any problems with your kidneys?” Or ones that are hard to answer—like “How long have you had this pain?” Land-Phyll Hospital in Baton Rouge uses a famous psychic to read patients’ minds and answer questions for them. It makes history-taking faster.

11589108_mFrederica Constantin discovered her psychic abilities in the third grade, when she tuned into the thoughts of the straight A student sitting behind her during a spelling test. Later, she worked for the Baton Rouge Police Department as a psychic.

Constantin told Gormerblog, ”Working in the ER is more pleasant and productive. The doctor asks how long the patient has had chest pain, and the patient says ‘a while.’ Instead of a ten-minute struggle to narrow that dumb answer down to seconds, minutes or hours, I just read the patient’s mind and say, ‘two days.’ “The psychic admits things can get tricky. A druggie came in once, high on five different party drugs. “I read his mind and got sick as a dog. They sent me home!”

Another time, a married couple showed up and Constantin heard both of their thoughts. The guy claimed he had lower back pain, but his wife thought it was higher up. Every question caused a battle. Whichever voice was louder in my head—that’s what I told the doctor.”

Constantin needed some prodding to talk about something that happens a lot. “Sometimes I hear the patient think, ‘This doctor is a moron.’ That drowns out everything else.”

Bonne Santé Hospital in nearby Bleu Chien, Louisiana hired Constantin’s sister, Drina, to do mind-reading for patients. She says it takes getting used to.

“There’s a steady stream of doctors lusting after nurses. I hear their thoughts and it makes the job tough. One time a doctor asked an asthmatic patient how often he used his inhaler and I answered, ‘I wonder what she looks like naked.’ Hey, that’s what I heard from the next bay over and it popped out of my mouth. I’m only human.”



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