
couple kissing

Worst Pick-Up Lines by Medical Subspecialty

GomerBlog did some research on a hot and steamy topic: What are the worst pick-up lines by subspecialty?  Here goes! Allergy “I like it when you can’t breathe.” Anesthesiology “I’d love to rescue your airway.” Bariatric Surgery “Come on, I...

MEDCOMIC Cartoons: Hilarious Medical Learning (Volume 2)

MEDCOMIC creator Jorge Muniz has created a funny and effective way to help study for that next test!  We posted a few of his many cartoons below, and if you like them, be sure...

Medical Student Discovers First Taste-Based Physical Exam Finding, Diagnosis Psoriasis

SEATTLE, WA - Aspiring dermatologist and fourth-year medical student, Joshua Bitters, has discovered the first physical exam finding that uses the average physician's least used sense: taste. The physical exam maneuver becoming known as the...
couple kissing

Physician Foreplay 101: How to Seduce Your Doctor

Seduce any doctor by using valuable information about his or her specialty to ensure total success in the bedroom. Emergency Medicine Go skydiving to get the adrenaline going.  Speed home.  Once there, run upstairs and cut...
finall four medical

Road to the Final Four Best Lifestyle Medical Specialties

INDIANA - After another exciting and grueling March Madness Hospital Edition, with some upsets and bracket busters, the Final Four Medical Specialties with the Best Lifestyle have been determined.  Once again the solid #1...
nurses laughing

April Fools’ Day Jokes to Play at the Hospital

Top April Fools’ jokes to play at the hospital.  It isn't too late to try and pull off that sweet joke at work. Anesthesia – After giving your coworker a morning break during a prone IV...

Collagen Etude

One-third of all the proteins in the body are of collagen. We know that there are many types, and that we don’t know all of ‘em. Composed are types I, II, III, V of many...