Skeleton Started on IV Fluids, Was Bone Dry
ST. LOUIS, MO - Dr. Shaw just admitted a difficult case at Washington University. "I just admitted this bag of bones literally 2 hours ago," hospitalist Dr. Shaw told reporters. "Something just spoke to...
New Fitness Craze, ‘RhabdoRage” Sweeping America
MIAMI, FL - A new and exciting boutique fitness club has sprung up in South Florida, and if initial trends hold, it will take the country by storm in the coming months. “RhabdoRage” takes...
IM Doc Goes on Fishing Trip, Plans to Get Rheum on Board
CHARLESTON, SC - Local Internal Medicine physician Randy Kitts was headed out on a fishing trip Saturday when he realized before he set course he should "probably get Rheum on board."
"Well, the waters are...
Forrest Gump Still in Rhabdo 30 Years After Epic Cross-Country Run
BIRMINGHAM, AL - Though it has been three decades since his historic three-and-a-half year cross-country run brought him national attention, Birmingham Medical Center (BMC) reports that Forrest Gump is still in rhabdomyolysis (or rhabdo)...
Most Popular Medical Questions of 2016 by State
2016 is complete, and we combed through the data at Google to find out what were the most popular medical questions asked by state (click the map to enlarge):
What is New England's obsession with...
Nephrologists Still Unclear What the Guy in the ASN Logo is Doing
WASHINGTON, D.C. - A groundbreaking poll conducted by the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) earlier this month revealed that 98% of its members "have no idea what the guy in the ASN logo is...
Study: People Named Willie, Dick & Johnson at Higher Risk for UTIs
NEW ORLEANS, LA - A study coming out of the University of New Orleans has found that people with names such as Willie, Dick, or Johnson are "almost certain" to acquire at least one...
Intern Singing Bee Gees During Code
What began as a routine code on the dialysis unit turned euphonic this past Wednesday morning after new intern Rob Eide began audibly singing 'Staying Alive' by the Bee Gees while administering chest compressions.
Headlines from the Week in Medical News
ROCHESTER, NY - After two-year grant-writing process, associate professor of medicine’s submission to JAMA’s “funny cartoon caption contest” fails peer review process.
AKRON, OH - Patient with Kluver-Bucy Syndrome made NPO except for meals.
Team to Replete the Hell Out of Patient’s Potassium
LOUISVILLE, KY - An inpatient multidisciplinary team of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nutritionists, hospitalists, nephrologists, and cardiologists at Louisville Medical Center (LMC) has stopped everything and look forward to taking care of Room...