Clumsy Intern Keeps Tripping Over Patients’ Foley Catheters
BOULDER, CO - Patients, nurses, and urologists at Boulder Medical Center are starting to lose patience with intern Willie Johnson, who despite being incredibly nice and very bright, just always seems to be tripping...
Boring PowerPoints New Leading Cause of Death Among Health Care Practitioners
ATLANTA, GA - A new study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Small Font & Uninteresting Topics (JSFUT) revealed that sinfully boring PowerPoint presentations is now the leading cause of death...
ICU Patient Accidentally Sent to Morgue After Nurses Fail to Address ‘Plan for Today’...
CHICAGO, IL - Investigators at East Hope Memorial Hospital in Chicago are "sickened" by new findings in a neglect case involving an ICU patient. Reports are circulating that an ICU patient was accidentally sent to...
Report from ACP Internal Medicine Conference: Record Attendance by Internists Leaves Surgeons Struggling to...
BOSTON, MA - GomerBlog is on hand to report that a record number of internists and hospitalists have attended this year’s American College of Physicians (ACP) Internal Medicine Conference 2015 in Boston. Though this...
Exciting New Treatment for ‘Status Dramaticus’ Released Today by the FDA and NIH
BETHESDA, MD - Breaking news today from the FDA and NIH researchers in Bethesda, MD. A new treatment for Status Dramaticus (SD) has been shown to be promising in curing this debilitating disease. Researchers...
What ‘Thank You for the Interesting Consult’ Really Means, Part 2
This is a continuation from our first post: What "Thank You for the Interesting Consult" Really Means, Part 1. Let’s go!
Translation: Like it or not, I’m recommending a multivitamin.
Translation: Not another pelvic exam for...
Tips: How to Worsen Your Already-Terrible Bedside Manner
You may find your bedside manner is pretty terrible given how busy you are and your general frustration with humanity as a whole. If despite these things, you still feel like you’re establishing too...
Hospital Cafeteria Debuts New Tasting Menu Format
NAPA, CA - A hospital cafeteria in Napa simply called The Cafeteria has debuted a new three-hour $300 tasting menu format to supplant the more traditional, quick, self-serve approach of grabbing food and placing...
What ‘Thank You for the Interesting Consult’ Really Means, Part 1
Initial consult notes usually end with the following line: Thank you for the interesting consult. What does that really mean? In the first of a two-part series, our GomerBlog translators will help break down...
After Another Horrid Shift, Doctor Calls Palliative Care on Self, Goes Home with Hospice
ATLANTA, GA - For internist Karen Davenport, today’s shift was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She struggled mightily as she was asked to “suck it up” and see 935 patients, 100% of...