
hospital staff meeting

Mandatory Hospital Staff Meeting to Improve Morale Fails to Improve Morale

COLUMBIA, SC - ED Staff at Our Lady of Gluten Intolerance Hospital (OLGIH) finished yet another required but uncompensated hospital staff meeting last week at the behest of OLGIH administration.  The meeting was called...
the sun

Health Care Providers Unsure What That Bright Yellow Glowing Orb is in the Sky

CHARLESTON, SC - In an eye-opening new study published in the latest issue of JAMA (Just Another Medical Association), researchers at The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) found that 10 out of 10...
ativan diffuser

FDA Finally Approves The Ativan Diffuser for All Hospital Units

WASHINGTON, DC - In a closely contested vote, the FDA approved a new medical delivery device this week, the H-Vape 86.  It is an Ativan air diffuser that looks like a Vicks Vaporub humidifier, yet...

High Patient Satisfaction Scores, Key Elements for Success

Over 23,000 hospital patients were polled to help determine what factors are considered important for patients when it comes to their satisfaction at hospitals.  Knowing what patients want is important, but even more so these...
wine pairs

Tips: What Wine Pairs Well with Patients & Helps Me Cope with Them?

We’ve all been there.  You’re at bedside with your patient and you find yourself stumped on which wine you should drink to best pair with him or her.  You may be stressed and simply...
menu book

Book of Delivery Menus Missing, 20 Night Nurses & Doctors Die of Hunger

AUGUSTA, GA - Medical personnel, patients, and families at Augusta Medical Center (AMC) are in mourning this morning as 20 night nurses and physicians died tragically last night from hunger after the treasured book of...

Anatomy of a Contact Precaution Stethoscope

We all love those contact precaution fancy expensive stethoscopes.  We always wondered why patients on contact precautions never had murmurs discovered.  Here at GomerBlog we dissected the components to figure out why we couldn't...
iv pole medical student

In Cost-Cutting Measure, IV Poles to Be Replaced with Eager Medical Students

BIRMINGHAM, AL - Earlier this week, administrators and health care practitioners at Birmingham Medical Center implemented a new cost-cutting measure that hopes to save their health system millions of dollars.  What is the new...

Hospital Wristband Finally Identify ‘Pain in the A**’ Patients

SILICON VALLEY, CA – Following failed internal quality improvement efforts targeting drug-seeking patients, one California hospital took on a new tactic for difficult-to-deal-with patients. Like every other hospitalized patient who needs additional hospital wristband identification...
hospital patient

21 Tips for Patients on How to Be Good Patients: From Health Care Professionals

Ok, it is time to be brutally honest to our patients.  As health care professionals, we want to take amazing care of them.  We want them to heal.  We want them to feel better....