resting bitch face

Resting Bitch Face Underdiagnosed in Health Care Providers

NEW YORK, NY - Despite the numerous advances and medical breakthroughs in 2015, GomerBlog reports that resting bitch face (RBF), a horrible affliction in which a person’s emotionless facial expression at rest unintentionally looks...
father's day for physician or nurse

Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts for Your Physician/Nurse Dad

Did you forget to buy your doctor or nurse dad a gift for Father’s Day?  Don’t worry, GomerBlog has you covered.  Here’s a last minute gift guide by specialty for all you procrastinators out...

Rosetta Stone: OB/GYN Edition

ARLINGTON, VA - In an effort to boost sales, language software giant Rosetta Stone launches the first of a long line of medical language learning programs.  Each medical specialty has its own vernacular which...
Mittelshmerz, sunset

Mittelschmerz Pelvic Pale Ale a Hit in Mid-Cycle Menstruating Females

BREMEN, GERMANY - Just one year ago, German brewery Beck's had their sites on targeting an elusive target demographic for their beers: menstruating females with mid-cycle pain.  It's been 6 months since the conception...

Med Student Avoids Pelvic Exam for Record 1,429th Straight Day

KANSAS CITY, MO - Fourth-year medical student Rick Hansen ain't no dummy.  He even says it himself: "I ain't no dummy."  Like most medical students, Hansen dreads performing the pelvic exam.  As he nears...

Physician Recruitment Ad Statements and What They Really Mean

Ad text Actual meaning Established medical center is a state of the art, modern, newly renovated hospital   The MRI works 12 hours out of the week, and the cost of that new fountain in the lobby will...

NSFW: Uncensored Celeb Pics Never Seen Before

1. Kim Kardashian - What is left when the internet has seen every inch of her? How about her placenta? Technically not part of her anymore but still S-E-X-Y.  Damn, look at that heart...

Fancy Medical Terms and What They Really Mean

Nurses and doctors use fancy words to communicate and sound smart before patients, families and each other. Having spent most of his adult life in the hospital, Livin La Vida Locum, M.D. shares the...

Lost Your Car in the Hospital Garage? Order a Consult

If it has happened once, it has happened a million times: you forgot where you parked.  It is the end of the day and all you want to do is go home but where...
graham crackers

97% of World’s Graham Cracker Supply Located in Hospital Drawers, White Coat Pockets

BOUND BROOK, NJ - A study in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Snack Foods (NEJSF) has confirmed that 97% of the world's graham cracker supply is located somewhere in a...