55-hour ENERGY

FDA Approves 55-Hour ENERGY for Incoming July Interns

WASHINGTON, DC - In a major win for soon-to-be-exhausted incoming July interns at residency programs across the land, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved 55-hour ENERGY drinks effective immediately since improved work conditions...

Queen Elizabeth Gets IUD Removed, Ready to Have Another Royal Baby

LONDON, ENGLAND – Sources close to the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, say the Queen is ready to have another royal baby.  She has already had her intrauterine device (IUD), a very effect form...
used speculum tongue depressor

Ten Spectacular Off-Label Uses of the Speculum

You’re probably familiar with the traditional use of the speculum: visualization of the cervical os, blah blah blah.  We at Gomerblog are pleased to share some exciting uses of what has been hailed by...
atls by medical specialty

Do You Know Your ABCs by Subspecialty?

CHICAGO, IL – The American College of Surgeons (ACS) released new subspecialty-focused primary survey guidelines for Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) this week after a panel review at the recent national meeting. “With no major...
doctors lent

What Are Health Care Professionals Giving Up for Lent (By Specialty)?

General Surgeon: Evidence-based medicine.  “Oh, your tummy hurts?  Well, let’s open you up and take a look, shall we?” Emergency Medicine: Dilaudid.  The screams will be deafening. Cardiologist: Stethoscopes.  If you can’t hear heart sounds without...

Medical Specialties as Game of Thrones Characters

As all medical specialties try to gain control of the hospital, we've narrowed down who their characters are: Cardiology, you poor tortured soul with a horrible life. Let's be honest, you got yourself into this.       ...

Medical Professions as NFL Teams

Anesthesia is the Cincinnati Bengals: no one knows anyone on the team; they rotate so often it’s not worth learning names anyway.   Orthopaedics are the Dallas Cowboys: biggest fanciest toys inside the OR and out....

Surgical Resident Delivers Mid-Case, Stays to Close

MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - Dr. Hannah Richards, a 3rd year surgical resident, was 39+0 weeks pregnant going into Thursday.  She scrubbed into Dr. Alexander's hemicolectomy with lymph node dissection, a great case for her log. "This...

Case Report: OB/GYN Resident Not Always Catty, Actually Is Relatively Friendly

BOCA RATON, FL - Medical students across the nation have been bewildered by the outrageous report that local OB/GYN Ann Hedonia is only catty on occasion, and actually is kind-of-sort-of relatively nice.  Student extraordinaire Gunner...