Monday, May 6, 2024

Scientists Perfect the No-Wipe Poop

BLOOMINGTON, IL – Scientists at Fermi-Labs have discovered something more remarkable and useful to the human race than the God Particle: no-wipe poops.  Dan Schneider, PhD, lead scientist on this landmark discovery, told reporters,...

Joint Commission Mandates Extensive Timeout Prior to Initiating CPR

SAN ANTONIO, TX -  Citing the shocking incidence of "never event" wrong-sided CPR (commonly known as WroSC), the Joint Commission issued new guidelines today mandating a 42-step timeout prior to the initiation of CPR...
Chart of Death

Coroner Cause of Death: ‘Physical Therapy Note Missing Date and Time’

ALBUQUERQUE, NM - GomerBlog regretfully reports on a hospital death that could have been saved if the physical therapy note was dated and timed appropriately.  Beau Thorsgood, Albuquerque’s coroner, told reporters this morning that...
creepy medical student

Report: Medical School Limiting the Number of Creepy Applicants to Cut Down on Creepy...

OMAHA, NE – Creighton University led the nation last year in normal to above normal applicants.  "We have a pretty good applicant pool when it comes to socially acceptable students," Dr. Nipper, Dean of...

Local Man Overdoses on Homeopathic Medication

PORTLAND, OR – John Bale was recently infected with whooping cough, a disease making a comeback now due to anti-vaxxers.  Bale is a product of a second-generation anti-vaccine household.  Despite his best efforts to "boost...

Coca-Cola Lashes Out, Reveals What Happens 1 Hour After Drinking Pepsi

ATLANTA, GA - After a recent infographic caused a stir by revealing what happens to the human body within the first hour of drinking Coca-Cola (also known as Coke), Coca-Cola was left no choice...
routine ECG

Local EKG Tech Reassigned Due to Voluptuous Breasts

MIAMI, FL – EKG tech Candi Jacobs has been working at Mercy Hospital for two years.  She was recently reassigned; hospital administration stated the reason as "voluptuous breasts." Ms. Jacobs and her scrub puppies were...

Standardized Patient Suing Medical School After No One Detected Prostate Cancer

TAMPA BAY, FL - 56-year-old Michael Finnerly has been volunteering his services to the local medical school's standardized patient program for several years.  Last week he was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he visited his local physician for a...

Gastroenterologist Discovers Advanced Colonoscopy Technique, Twerk Position, While Working on Miley Cyrus

ANAHEIM, CA - Dr. Dan Abernath, known as the gastroenterologist to the stars, submitted a paper to Gastroenterology, describing a new advanced colonoscopy technique for difficult cases.  While scoping the now world famous "twerker,"...
cyborg emr

Apocolyptic Electronic Medical Record Becomes Self-Aware

"And just like that, the world burned."  Those haunting words were discovered deep within a nursing note by hospitalist Kilty McSwagger while he was reviewing what appeared to be a large stack of useless...