Scrubs Teaches Us That “Everything Comes Down to Poo”

In the "My Musical" episode of Scrubs, we learn that no matter, whatever a patient suffers from, EVERYTHING comes down to poo!  Watch this clip and we dare you not to sing along!  

Mass General to Offer New Residency in Retractor Holding

BOSTON, MA - The board of directors of Massachusetts General Hospital announced Monday that the prestigious center plans to offer residency training in the theory and practice of holding retractors in surgery. The first of its kind,...

Valentine’s Day Tease: Stethoscopes in Sexy Positions

WARNING: The following images of sexy stethoscopes in suggestive positions are appropriate only for health care providers older than the age of 18.  (Click to enlarge.)
white doctor

White Doctors Removed From Endangered Species List After Successful Breeding In Captivity

WASHINGTON, DC - In a landmark move marking the resounding success of the Caucasian Physician Breeding In Captivity Program (CPBCP), the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has removed white doctors from the endangered species list. "This...
surgery resident

Signs You May Be a Surgery Resident

If you have ever thanked God for the presence of a CRNA student and their multiple A-line attempts because it gave you time to run upstairs and forage for food in the surgeon’s lounge… If...
hug, hugging

Struggling Intern Asking for ‘Just One Hug’

BOSTON, MA - "Just one hug" is all intern Philip Geary is asking, if not BEGGING, from his fellow interns, residents, students, nurses, attendings, anyone, ANYONE who is capable of providing some sort of...

Ask a Surgical Intern, Part 1

GomerBlog is introducing a new section titled, "Ask a Doctor Anything."  This is where to find all the great advice you've been looking for, but been afraid to ask.  Thank you all for your questions and we...

Doctor Diureses List with 80 mg of Lasix, Net Negative 14 Patients

ATLANTA, GA - Finding his census of 20 patients unacceptable, medicine attending Randy Evans did the only logical thing: he gave his patient list an 80 mg dose of IV Lasix and over the...
surgeon tired fusion

Whoops! Sleepy On-Call Resident Checked on Crashing Patient in Her Dream

SLEEPY HOLLOW, NY—Amidst a barrage of serious allegations from hospital staff that, during a recent overnight on-call shift, she neglected a nurse’s request to check on a patient who was in distress and ultimately...

Intern Excited to Take Care of Cobra Kai, Because They Never Die

SAN DIEGO, CA - Herb Swanson has started his internship year off on a bad foot.  "I had 3 patients die on me in July, not a good way to start my career." Dr. Swanson...