All hail the mighty Zoll, savior of the ICU
The one who brings back life from the brink of death
He’ll send you a jolt to find renewed vigor
He’ll lead you right when your rhythm is wrong
He can take total control, pace you into submission
Sync with your beats and lead you forward
Kneel before Zoll
He who has unlimited power
Or at least up to 200 Joules
With the sticky embrace of his chest pads
He is truly a dynamic being
Zoll can conquer all
He who destroyed v-tach
He who stopped SVT
While asystole and PEA may be resistant to his powers
Zoll commands respect of all those around him
With his allies of epinephrine, Ambu, and chest compressions
He holds dominion over the ICU
Everybody clear
All clear
Shock delivered