Cupertino, CA – The internet and social media particularly are ripe areas for debates about topics from dress colors to whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich. Medicine, like children of idiots, is not immune to this. In an effort to help clarify and settle arguments, we’ve compiled the updated Levels of Evidence for 2019.

This is to be considered the definitive ranking and is usable for all arguments henceforth.

Level 15: Dr. Oz Just above Jenny McCarthy and just behind Doc McStuffins

Level 1: Randomized Controlled Trials/ Meta-analyses of high quality studies

Level 2: Prospective Controlled Trials

Level 3: Cohort Study

Level 4: Case Series

Level 5: Expert Opinion

Level 6: Social media statement posted by a Physician with a real name

Level 7: Social media statement by an anonymous account 

Level 8: Gomerblog Articles

Level 9: Gomerblog Memes

Level 10: Memes without the Gomerblog seal of approval 

Level 11: Anyone who says “Ive done my research” aka did a google search 

Level 12: Anything from anyone named Karen/Kyle/Carol or any “Mom’s group” on Facebook 

Level 13: Doc McStuffins

Level 14: Fortune Cookies

Level 15: Dr. Oz

Level 15: Chiropractic/Naturopathic/“Functional neurologist” websites/social media pages 

Level 16: Jenny McCarthy

Naan DerThaal
A high school classmate of the lesser 3/5 of N’Sync, Naan DerThaal spent a number of years mired in mediocrity before finding his true calling, writing snarky anonymous internet commentary. He is a multi-time participation trophy recipient in Little League Baseball and has appeared on TV numerous times in the background of sporting events. He enjoys head-butting Lionfish and wrestling seasnakes in his free time and can often be seen dragging a mallet around the hospital. Follow him on Twitter @NaanDerthaal