Unlike other healthcare systems around the world, the American healthcare system is finely tuned machine which is easy to navigate and understand by lay people as well as healthcare professionals including those MDs, DOs, BSNs, MSNs, DNPs APNs, PA-Cs, OTs, and PTs to name but a few.

The recent implementation of the ACA places regulatory confines on the EMTALA as well as the HIPAA laws directly affecting OSHA and JCAHO. These measures have been endorsed by the AHA, FEMA, DHS, HHS, DFS, FDA, and the AMA with additional support from the ANA, AFL-CIO and WHO. Those with disabilities are also included via the ADA according to the NIH.

The science of treatment and interventional modalities of American Emergency Medicine now include practices of BLS (CPR), ACLS, TNCC, ATLS, and PALS or ENPC by those FACEPs, RNs, CENs, and CFNs. OR, OP and ICU staff including CICU and NICU are equally encouraged to earn National Certification according to the ANCC. These services would not be possible were it not for the dedication and hard work of the CNA-I and CNA-IIs. EMS has followed suit requiring EMT-P, EMT-I, CCEMT, and NREMT certifications for many of its workers. ICS-100 through 400 is required within some systems. These professionals now can generate superior and bullet-proof EMRs that comply with ICD-10 DRG ensuring positive yearly ROI.

Healthcare insurance companies have simplified policies and coverages to perfectly fit every need of the healthcare consumer. According to BCBS, Medicare parts A, B, C, D, F, G (sometimes Y and sometimes W) are available to those over 65 years of age and on SSI as provide for by TITLE XVIII of the US SSA. COBRA is available to those who’s policies have been discontinued. PPOs and HSAs further simplify the insurance choices for Americans.

It is crucial that Americans realize these measures have been put into place for the protection of the healthcare consumers, providers, and administrators in hopes of boosting HCAHPS scores. This is why a cup of coffee is disallowed at the Nursing station.

Josie Rose RN
Josie Rose RN has been a practicing nurse and healthcare investigative reporter for decades. She is intimately familiar with every aspect of the business of healthcare. Nurse Rose is your trusted source for medical truth and justice. If you are a physician, healthcare administrator, or supervisor, and engage in questionable activities, Nurse Rose will sniff you out and hunt you down like Florence Nightingale’s biting dog “Cap” to expose the truth.