
orthopedic surgeon

Bones: An Orthopedic Surgeon’s Perspective

By Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Thomas Partinger Bones.  I like bones.  I like big bones.  I like small bones.  I like bones.  I like long bones.  I like short bones.  I like old bones.  I like...
pencil by medical specialty

Describe This Pencil by Medical Specialty

Your specialty of choice fosters a certain way of doing things. We polled residents from several different specialties and asked them to describe this pencil. Family Medicine: I’m already behind on my descriptions for four...
femur fracture

Soccer Mom Heals Femur Fracture with Herbs, Essential Oils

ORANGE, CA - Mrs. Stephanie Holmestown experienced what all parents fear while watching their kids play sports; her eleven-year-old son Andrew collided with another player during a soccer game, fell to the ground holding his...

Medical Specialties as Game of Thrones Characters

As all medical specialties try to gain control of the hospital, we've narrowed down who their characters are: Cardiology, you poor tortured soul with a horrible life. Let's be honest, you got yourself into this.       ...