Hospital Administration

summer camp

Hospital Administrators Announce Summer Camp Itinerary

To combat falling patient satisfaction scores and record staff turnover administration at Grace Disciple Advent Mother Mary Incarnate Theresa hospital (G-DAMMIT) has scheduled a mandatory Summer Camp for providers. Team building activities include: Patient family tug...

A Hospital Administrator Explains: MIPS

Hey everybody!  Are you having a good day?  I hope so.  How about this fantastic weather we're having?  Awesome, hey let’s talk about the cool new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)!  This thing is...

Updated HCAHPS Survey for Patient Satisfaction Released

Please answer the questions in this survey about your stay at the hospital named on the cover letter.  Do not include any other hospital stays in your answers. YOUR CARE FROM NURSES 1. During this hospital...

Female Doctors Now Required to Show ID During Flight Emergencies

ATLANTA, GA - Delta Airlines announced that "all female physicians will need to show identification during an in-flight emergency."  They are coming off of their latest controversy where a flight attendant wouldn't believe a female African-American...

Medical Records Censor Crucial at Removing Admission and Discharge Summaries for Transfer

MUDVILLE, TN - Jimmy Blake, MBA, MHA, Good Samaritan’s Vice President for Administrative Affairs, speaking on condition of having his full name printed at least twice, Jimmy Blake, MBA, MHA, explained the role of...
illiterate medical scribes

Hospital Administration Cuts Corners by Hiring Illiterate Medical Scribes

BALTIMORE, MD - Always brainstorming innovative ways to improve the bottom line, hospital administrators at the Johns Hopscotch Hospital had what they described as a "major epiphany" earlier this week, and have started hiring illiterate...

New CMS Regulations Force Doctors to Literally Jump Through Hoops

TACOMA, WA - Stipulations released last month by the Center for Medicare Services have added on to the already onerous documentation requirements necessary for reimbursement.  In a shocking twist, CMS has dictated that doctors...
happy hour for health care workers

Hospital Enacts New Mandatory Happy Hour for Employees

BOSTON, MA - "Go figure out the best way to improve patient safety and medical care at our hospital," was the charge that CEO of Memorial Hospital, Dr. Gina Stockdale, posed to her panel members....
malpractice court

Physician with MD and JD Sues Self for Malpractice

In a head-spinning display of legal and corporate maneuvering, a Midwestern physician who also holds a law degree has litigated himself for gross negligence and medical malpractice in civil court. Plastic surgeon Vincent Gambini, MD,...
hospital ceo

Hospital CEO Praised for Raising Patient:Nurse Ratio to 10:1

RICHMOND, VA - Our Lady of Oddi Hospital (OLOH) CEO, Mr. Benjamin Wilkerson, is being credited with developing a novel idea that may save the U.S. Healthcare and Insurance sector a projected 34.8 billion...