Hospital Administration


A Hospital Administrator Explains: MIPS

Hey everybody!  Are you having a good day?  I hope so.  How about this fantastic weather we're having?  Awesome, hey let’s talk about the cool new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)!  This thing is...
registered nurses

Hospital Administrators Rename RNs to ‘Refreshments and Narcotics’

TAMPA, FL - In order to comply with new government healthcare regulations involving patient satisfaction, hospital administrators at Tampa Memorial Cross Hospital have decided to rename registered nurses (RNs) to a more appropriate title, “Refreshments and...

An Administrator’s Tips to Health Care Providers for Curing Burnout

Burnout is prevalent.  Most of you reading this are burned out.  What can we do?  How can we preserve our sanity?  We sat down with hospital administrator Jason Wilcox in his beautiful office overlooking...
couple in bed filling out survey

Hospital Administrator Gives Partner Post-Coital Satisfaction Survey Out Of Habit

AUSTIN, TEXAS - In the midst of post-coital bliss, hospital administrator Chaz Moneybags asked his sexual partner to fill out a satisfaction survey, purely out of reflexive habit.  "It's very important to take a quick...
patient survey

Nurses, Doctors Fight Back with New Health Care Practitioner Satisfaction Surveys

NEW YORK, NY - Sick and tired of the unfair nature of patient satisfaction surveys that puts service above disease management, a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants at New...

Joint Commission Announces Pyramids of Punishment for Patient Safety Violations

CHICAGO, IL - In a recent press release, the Joint Commission (known as JACHO) announced the implementation of a punishment system for health care providers who violate important patient safety measures.  The "Pyramids of...