Hospital Administration

hospital administrators

Jealous of Nurses Week, Hospital Administrators Plan to Create Administrators Week

ATLANTA, GA - Jealous of all the attention registered nurses (RNs) have received during Nurses Week, hospital administrators nationwide are hoping to create an Administrators Week to celebrate their contributions to healthcare.  Though hospital...
hospital administrators

Prezz-Gainey Releases Hospital Administrator Satisfaction Survey

CASH MOUNTAIN, MA - With much excitement, Shirley Survey, MBA, M$, JD of Prezz Gainey (PG) announced the release of the much anticipated Hospital Administrator Satisfaction Survey.  “Following the enormous impact of the Patient...
hospital staff meeting

Mandatory Hospital Staff Meeting to Improve Morale Fails to Improve Morale

COLUMBIA, SC - ED Staff at Our Lady of Gluten Intolerance Hospital (OLGIH) finished yet another required but uncompensated hospital staff meeting last week at the behest of OLGIH administration.  The meeting was called...
PGA pro turns hospital administrator

PGA Pro Becomes Hospital Administrator to Make More Money, Play More Golf

SCOTTSDALE, AZ - After three mediocre years on the Tour, 28-year-old PGA pro Blake Johnson announced that he is calling it quits and starting a new career in hospital administration. Johnson explained his rationale with...
back injury

Hospital Administrators Sick of Dealing with Clumsy Nurses and Nursing Injuries

HARTFORD, CT - "Seriously, another back injury claim?" questioned hospital administrator Lawrence Gates.  "Why do our clumsy nurses always go and hurt themselves on the job?" Gates has been burdened with over 38 nursing injuries...
patient satisfaction flag

Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Patient Satisfaction Surveys

GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA - A detainee with confirmed ties to Al Qaeda made claims yesterday that the group operates an American corporation designed to destroy the U.S. health care delivery system from the inside....

Doc McStuffins Forced to Resign Due to Dismal Patient Satisfaction Scores

ORLANDO, FL - Children across America are devastated after news broke today that Doc McStuffins will not be asked back for another season.  Disney execs announced yesterday that results from patient satisfaction surveys will...
hospital administrator

Hospital Administrators Chastise Emergency, Surgical & Medical Staff for Patient Satisfaction Scores Lagging Behind...

BOCA RATON, FL - Staff from three departments - Emergency, Surgery & Internal Medicine - received scathing criticism from hospital administrators at today's monthly meeting for allowing their patient satisfaction scores to "lag behind" the...
miss universal healthcare

Miss Management Crowned Miss Universal Healthcare

BOSTON, MA - Miss Management of Hospital Administration has been crowned Miss Universal Healthcare, beating out Miss Hap of General Surgery, Miss Understanding of Internal Medicine, and contestants from over 60 other subspecialties across...
patient survey

Nurses, Doctors Fight Back with New Health Care Practitioner Satisfaction Surveys

NEW YORK, NY - Sick and tired of the unfair nature of patient satisfaction surveys that puts service above disease management, a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants at New...