
black hole

Dreaming Big: GI Doc Hopes to Reach Outer Space & Scope a Black Hole

SAN DIEGO, CA - Some of the biggest accomplishments ever made in medicine only came to fruition because passionate people were allowed to be dreamers.  Gastroenterologist Randolph Wood is no exception.  Beloved and considered...
Iron Man hemochromatosis

Breaking: Iron Man Diagnosed with Hemochromatosis

NEW YORK, NY - After his primary care physician insist he undergo several tests over the past month to uncover the cause of his abnormal liver function tests (LFTs), Iron Man has unfortunately been...

Ugh, Not Again: GI Lab Full of A**holes Today

ROCKFORD, IL - One local gastroenterology group is at wit's end as they realize that today is once again going to be like any other.  Why?  Because their GI lab, once again, is full...
Gas-X brain farts

Neurologists Recommend Gas-X for Treatment of Brain Farts

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has updated their guidelines for the diagnosis and management of brain farts, a condition characterized by a temporary mental lapse, and now formally recommend Gas-X...

Medical Specialties as Disney Characters

Anesthesia - Rafiki from The Lion King. Most of the rest of us have no clue what the hell you are doing with all the beeps and knobs and when we look it never...
Gerbil bowel prep tsunami

Gerbil in Colon Nervously Awaits Bowel Prep Tsunami

SOME DUDE'S COLON - Gerald the Gerbil just received the bad news that his whereabouts have been discovered, and now he nervously awaits the imminent rush of polyethylene glycol as a bowel prep tsunami...
single ply toilet paper

Emergency Room Switch to Single-Ply Toilet Paper Reduces Unnecessary Gastro Admissions by 60%

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - A major tertiary emergency department in Melbourne recently conducted a trial of single-ply toilet paper across all bathrooms and found a 45% reduction in overnight stays of gastro patients and a...

Gastroenterologists Discover New Orifice in Armpit

In an earth-shattering discovery sending shockwaves throughout the medical community, a team of gastroenterologists have announced the presence of a new orifice deep in the human armpit.  The historic finding was presented at the...
medical consultant

Consultant Tries Being Nice, Decides It’s Overrated

On Friday afternoon, top gastroduodenopathologist Dr. Reedol D. Specimenz made a life-changing decision. "I wanted to try something new," says the forty-four-year-old specialist, sipping a glass of Dom Perignon on the top deck of...

Hurricane Force Winds Coming From Colonoscopy Suite

BOSTON, MA - In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, a new threat is developing in nearby Mercy Hospital. Witnesses report hurricane force winds billowing out from the colonoscopy suite. Gastroenterologic data has recorded sustained...