Sunday, June 16, 2024


used speculum tongue depressor

Ten Spectacular Off-Label Uses of the Speculum

You’re probably familiar with the traditional use of the speculum: visualization of the cervical os, blah blah blah.  We at Gomerblog are pleased to share some exciting uses of what has been hailed by...
Mittelshmerz, sunset

Mittelschmerz Pelvic Pale Ale a Hit in Mid-Cycle Menstruating Females

BREMEN, GERMANY - Just one year ago, German brewery Beck's had their sites on targeting an elusive target demographic for their beers: menstruating females with mid-cycle pain.  It's been 6 months since the conception...
P90X Kegel

Product Review: P90X Kegel Edition for Urinary Incontinence

Pros / Tony Horton's new P90X Kegel program can transform your pelvic floor muscles from flab to fab in just 90 days, curing incontinence for good and allowing you to laugh without pissing yourself...

Medical Specialties as Disney Characters

Anesthesia - Rafiki from The Lion King. Most of the rest of us have no clue what the hell you are doing with all the beeps and knobs and when we look it never...

Physicians Hold Drexit Vote, Doctors Exit Medicine

KANSAS CITY, KS - A large, synchronous exhale was heard this morning as the results of Drexit, or Doctors Exiting Medicine, came in.  Millions of doctors around the country voted to leave medicine this Saturday....
water break water main break

Water Main Break in Pregnant Woman’s Amniotic Sac Causes Major Flooding

DECATUR, GA - Flooding has closed East Ponce de Leon Avenue and Commerce Drive in downtown Decatur, overwhelming the neighborhood with several feet of amniotic fluid.  The cause appears to be a water main break in...

ToRCHeS Mnemonic Unsure How to Handle New Zika Virus

For decades the ToRCHeS mnemonic (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HIV, Herpes, Syphilis) was the saving grace of every medical, nursing, biology, virology, pharmacology, zoology and frenology student that is forced to memorize which viruses can cross...
atls by medical specialty

Do You Know Your ABCs by Subspecialty?

CHICAGO, IL – The American College of Surgeons (ACS) released new subspecialty-focused primary survey guidelines for Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) this week after a panel review at the recent national meeting. “With no major...

Nurse Enters the Cave of Wonders, Finds Infamous Resident Genie

On her Saturday shift, Anne looked unusually ecstatic.  This is the same Anne who usually has a frown on her face and is looking for reasons to tear the medical students and residents apart....
graham crackers

97% of World’s Graham Cracker Supply Located in Hospital Drawers, White Coat Pockets

BOUND BROOK, NJ - A study in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Snack Foods (NEJSF) has confirmed that 97% of the world's graham cracker supply is located somewhere in a...