Primary Care

therapy dog

Physician Reprimanded for Overprescribing Therapy Dogs

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA – An Inland Empire doctor has been placed on probationary status by the Medical Board of California for overprescribing therapy dogs, prescribing inappropriate therapy dogs, and giving unnecessary dog therapy to...
pokemon go

Pokemon Go Video Game Gets People To Go Outside

CHICAGO, IL - Doctors are flabbergasted by what Nintendo has achieved. For years, they have been telling patients to stop playing video games and go outside and exercise. Then, in one day, Nintendo made...

Top 5 Medical Practices of 2016

The list is out, the critics have weighed in, and of course a list was generated.  The TOP MEDICAL PRACTICES of 2016 are here.  So let's kick them off: 5: Mayo Clinic - As you...
Gas-X brain farts

Neurologists Recommend Gas-X for Treatment of Brain Farts

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has updated their guidelines for the diagnosis and management of brain farts, a condition characterized by a temporary mental lapse, and now formally recommend Gas-X...
CDC headquarters, ignore, sit-up, sit-ups, anti-vaxxer cooties, pictures 2,300 words, eat sh*t and die, hypodermic needles, bed bugs, vanco, Zosyn, Lego, flu shot, exhalation, baseline, Vaseline, scabies

CDC Advises Robert De Niro To Be Sent To Jail Until Deemed Safe

ATLANTA, GA - Last week Robert De Niro pushed for the Andrew Wakefield (yes, that Wakefield) film Vaxxed to be screened.  "We need to have the conversation about 'safe' vaccines."  De Niro claims that we should have...
elevator ride

Conversation Starters While Riding in an Elevator with a Patient

Elevator rides can be an awkward time for health care providers who sometimes have to spend up to 3 minutes standing in an enclosed metal box with their patients. Striking up a casual conversation can...

As Nurse Leans In for a Listen, Patient Can Think of No Better Time...

BOSTON, MA - As Nurse Ned Franks leans in with a stethoscope to listen, patient Andy Charles can think of no better time today than right now to start a violent coughing spell right into his...

Homeopath to Drug Seeker: ‘I Thought You Said Dilute It’

SEATTLE, WA - Friday, local drug-seeker Garrett Ashton was reportedly shocked to learn that his Dilaudid was not available for pick-up, and in fact, it had not been prescribed at all. Upon following up...
doctor coding

New CPT Codes for ICD-10 Code Searching

The AMA section of practice management and coding’s emergency meeting concluded last week at Chicago brought in a breakthrough.  Now there are CPT codes for documenting the time spent on searching for the ICD...
medical student

Medical Student Conducts History & Physical with Spanish-Speaking Patient Using Only the Word ‘Dolor’

BOCA RATON, FL - Third-year medical student extraordinaire Gunner McBrownnose, only using the word "dolor," successfully conducted a complete history & physical encounter with Spanish-speaking patient Rosamaria Anarosa Esperanza Maricela Calderas-de-las-Cruces. Attending physician Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram, in an...