Primary Care

Hilton Hospital

New Burger King and Hilton Hospital to Open

CHICAGO, IL - Burger King and Hilton have merged together and plan to finish construction shortly on a new state of the art hotel, "King Hilton" that will serve as a 10,000 room hospital...

New CMS Regulations Force Doctors to Literally Jump Through Hoops

TACOMA, WA - Stipulations released last month by the Center for Medicare Services have added on to the already onerous documentation requirements necessary for reimbursement.  In a shocking twist, CMS has dictated that doctors...
patient takes health

Breaking News: American Patient Takes Responsibility for Own Health

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA - During multidisciplinary rounds on a cardiology unit at the University of Virginia Medical Center (UVAMC), a glimmer of hope was revealed as the health care team was discussing a patient's past...

Mayo Secretly Celebrates New #1 Status After Cleveland Clinic Comes Out Anti-Vax

ROCHESTER, MN - The Mayo Clinic recently held a campus-wide party this weekend full of "Number 1" balloons and cakes that said "Mayo #1".  These were held after Cleveland Clinic promoted anti-vaccination (or anti-vax)....

Product Review: Littman’s Cordless Stethoscope

Pros: Portable stethoscope capable of listening to human organ noises.  No battery required! Cons: The cordless nature of the device means you have no excuse not to listen to your patient's heart and lungs. Littman’s new...

Hollywood Good Guy Matt Damon Opens Up About EBV Positivity

NEW YORK, NY - Matt Damon shocked medically illiterate TV viewers on Friday morning’s Today Show when he confirmed that he is positive for the Epstein Barr virus.  It is unclear when the actor,...

Narc Madness

It's that time of year, time to pick your favorite narcotic and see if it will make it to the final 4!  This year the bracket has expanded to include all of the pain...
atls by medical specialty

Do You Know Your ABCs by Subspecialty?

CHICAGO, IL – The American College of Surgeons (ACS) released new subspecialty-focused primary survey guidelines for Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) this week after a panel review at the recent national meeting. “With no major...

Doctor Excited to Get New, Last Year’s People Magazine for Waiting Room

NAPERVILLE, IL - Dr. Nyugen's waiting room will be packed when word gets out they have the country's most-recent People magazine.  "I'm trying it keep it a little under wraps right now," Dr. Ken...

NBC Changes Policy, Allows Women to be Portrayed as Mothers or Doctors

NEW YORK, NY – In yet another in a long line of knee-jerk reactions to public relations nightmares, NBC President Jeff Zucker announced that NBC has reversed their long-standing policy against acknowledging that woman...