Are you ready to sing along to this Christmas classic?! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

You know Thomas and Becky and Patrick and Vicki
Connie and Colin and Steven and Ricky
But do you recall
The most annoying intern of all?
Verse 1
Rudolph the Brown-Nosed Intern
Had a very smelly nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it’s gross
Verse 2
All of the other interns
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any bedside games
Verse 3
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
His attending came to say:
“Rudolph, with your nose so brown
Please stop sucking up on rounds!”
Verse 4
Then how the interns mocked him
As they shouted out with fear
“Rudolph the Brown-Nosed Intern
Disimpact that patient’s rear!”
Repeat Verses 1 through 4